Colleges, Graduate Business Schools, Universities in Macedonia

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Colleges, universities and graduate schools in Macedonia that offer graduate programs in the areas of engineering and applied sciences, computer science, business management, bio-chemistry, bio-medicine, medicine, law, education, chemical engineering, mechanical and fine arts leading to an MS, MBA or a Ph.D.

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Skopje, at the University of "Sv. Kiril i Metodij" is one of the largest University institutions in the Republic of Macedonia. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Skopje, at the University of "Sv. Kiril i Metodij" is one of the largest University institutions in the Republic of Macedonia. We have already entered the last decade that will bring us to the large jubilee-half a century of its existence.

  2. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
    Offers Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Informatics, Mathematics, Physics, Seismological Observatory

  3. Institute For Seismology and Earthquake Engineering
    Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) was established in 1965.The Institute carries out a large number of applied and development research projects and provides consulting services for design and analysis of more sophisticated civil engineering structures.

  4. Institute of Social Policy and Social Work
    Important part of the Institute’s work is cooperation with other academic, governmental and non governmental organizations. Many of the academic cooperation’s established have had an important influence on staff’s and students professional development.

  5. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
    The Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts was established by the Macedonian Assembly on 22nd February 1967 as the highest scientific, scholarly and artistic institution in the country with the aim of monitoring and stimulating the sciences and arts.

  6. St. Cyril and Methodius University
    The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje was founded in 1949 consisting three faculties and today it represents a family of twenty-three faculties, ten institutes and other institutions.

Colleges, Graduate Schools and Universities in Europe
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Finland college & Univ
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Colleges in Macedonia
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Directories on Popular Tests

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Useful information for those who plan to take the Graduate Record Examination. Information on both the general test and the subject test.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Useful information on TOEFL, TOEFL preparation, online preparation sites, study material for TOEFL.
Test of Spoken English (TSE) Information on TSE, TSE preparation material, online TSE training, coaching classes.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Information on SAT, SAT training, online preparation courses for SAT, SAT coaching programs etc.,
Graduate Management Aptitude Test Information on GMAT, GMAT Preparation, GMAT Scores, online GMAT training and preparation resources.

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